Upcoming Events:
Midweek | Wednesday, March 26 | 6:00pm
Join us each Wednesday for Midweek!
Classes for all ages will be available and meeting at 6:00pm throughout the Renfroe Building.
We are excited to celebrate taking the Next Steps with those who wish to join the church or be baptized!
Please contact the church office at [email protected] if you would like to be baptized or if you wish to join the church in membership.
In order to become a member at FBC Gulf Breeze, you must attend a First Steps meeting.
First Steps | Sunday, April 6 | Dining Room | 11:30am
If you are interested in baptism, membership, or just learning more about First Baptist, Pastor John will be hosting First Steps on Sunday, April 6 in the Dining Room at 11:30am!
Please register HERE or on Church Center if you plan to attend so we can get a count for lunch!
Dates to Remember:
- Midweek | Wednesdays | 6:00pm
- Choir Practice | Sundays | Choir Room | 8:30am
- Next Steps | Sunday, March 30
- First Steps | Sunday, April 6 | Dining Room | 11:30am
- Easter Egg Hunt | Saturday, April 12 | Sunset Kids’ Park | 10:00am
- Communion | Friday, April 18
- Waterfront Mission | Tuesday, April 29 | 5:00pm
Easter at First Gulf Breeze
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 12
10:00am | Sunset Kids’ Park
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13
9:15am | Bible Study
10:30am | Worship Service
Good Friday
Friday, April 18
6:00pm | Worship + Communion
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20
9:00am | Breakfast in Renfroe
10:30am | Worship Service
F260 Reading:
You can download your F260 Reading Guide for 2025 and your HEAR Journal for this month here!
New Giving Links + New Church System:
New Giving Link | https://fbcgulfbreeze.churchcenter.com/giving
New System Link | https://fbcgulfbreeze.churchcenter.com
App Links | Apple + Android
Note from the Staff:
As we move toward changing our process of announcements, we will now be using this form for any and all events, meetings, gatherings, etc that need to be communicated to the church. Please fill out one form per event and include as much information as possible. Thank you!